Jesse Visser Designprojects specializes in furniture and lighting objects that engage all the senses. Our desire to innovate production techniques and love for detailing, result in striking statement pieces that are as sober as they are poetic.
Jesse Visser Designprojects was founded by Jesse Visser in 2000. After finishing his studies at the Utrecht School of Product Design and the Piet Zwart Institute, Visser focused on creating furniture and lighting objects that go beyond the predictable. Up to this day, his approach is defined by research, craftsmanship and curiosity, leading to outspoken designs that are appreciated by clients such as galleries and architects, business and the industry alike.
Jesse Visser’s work has been awarded with several international awards and recognitions, such as the Silver award for ‘Balance light’, Chinese Zhongshan Lighting Design Competition, 2020; the ‘best product’ award for the Alumni chair during Design District 2015; the third price Auroralia 2010 with the Cercle luminaire; the Designboom Competition (honourable mention 2005) with the project Doors and the 100% Rubber Design Award 2002 with the Bunker Table. His work has been exhibited in, amongst others, Milan, New York, Cologne, London, Frankfurt, Tallin and The Netherlands.
Silver award for ‘balance light’, Chinese Zhongshan Lighting Design Competition, dec 2020
Winner 'best product' Design District for the Alumni chair, design Jesse Visser and Geke Lensink , 2015
Wildcard Design District for the Giraffe table, design Jesse Visser and Geke Lensink, 2014
Third price Auroralia 2010, Cercle for light-design cityring Tilburg, 2011
Nominated for the Mart Stam prijs, 2007
Awarded by Designboom ‘a door to paradise’, Milan, 2005
First price 100% Rubber 2002, Dalsouple, Londen 2002
Finalist European Design Competition ‘Lights of the Future’, Jan. 2002
Droog Design collection, from December 1999 till June 2000
First price Piet Bakkerprijs, 1999
Nominated for the Prins Bernhard Fonds, 1999
Nominated for the Design Preis Schweiz, 1999
Art-director and designer for Brothers and Sons
Teacher at Utrecht School of Product Design
Lecturer master interior architecture ‘Towards Spatial Identity’ HKU
Photo: Bas Losekoot